- Eligibility:
To be eligible for the 4-Person Team Event, 5-Person Team Event, Singles Event, Doubles Event, and Optional Events a bowler must be a current member of the Lakes Area Bowling Association and have bowled 21 or more games in league sanctioned by Lakes Area Bowling Association for the 2023-2024 bowling season or have bowled 12 or more games by January 31, 2024 in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association for the 2024-2025 bowling season. Exception to the above eligibility rule: a past recognized member of the Lakes Area Bowling Association, the Brainerd/Baxter USBC BA, or the Brainerd/Baxter USBC WBA may sanction for the current season and bowl in the tournament with the approval of the shift manager and a board member of the Lakes Area Bowling Association,
- Entry Deadline:
- One week prior to the start of tournament.
- Shift manger must be notified of substitutions ½ hour prior to the start of the shift.
- Shadow balls will start at the posted starting time for the shift and will last for 10 minutes for 5-person teams and 8 minutes for 4-person teams. Shadow ball times will not be extended for an individual team due to late arrivals (if shadow balls are missed, they are missed)
- Lanes will not be turned on for competition until all entry fees have been received.
- Entry fees will not be accepted more than 10 minutes after the posted starting time for the shift.
- ½ hour prior to the start of the event being bowled.
- Shadow balls will start at the posted starting time for the shift and will last for 8 minutes. Shadow ball times will not be extended due to late arrivals (if shadow balls are missed, they are missed)
- Lanes will not be turned on for competition immediately upon the completion of shadow balls.
- Average:
- A bowler’s tournament average will be the bowler’s highest average (21 games or more) in the 2022-2023 bowling season in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association. If a bowler does not have an average in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association in the 2022–2023 bowling season, the bowler’s tournament average will be the bowler’s highest average (12 games or more by January 31, 2025) in the 2024-2025 bowling season in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association. If an average is not available from the above two areas, the bowler must bowl scratch or use the bowler’s highest average for the 2024-2025 bowling season or must recently bowling season as list on bowl.com whichever results in the lowest handicap.
- A 15 pins or more increase in average provision similar to USBC Rule 319a-2 shall apply. If a bowler’s current average for 21 games or more in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association in the current bowling season is 15 pins or more higher than the prior season’s average the current average must be used. Bowlers are responsible for verifying their own averages (USBC Rule 319a-3, 4, 5). Note: USBC Rule 319-E “Average Adjustment for Entry” does not apply.
- Handicap:
- 4-Person Team Event – 95% of the difference between 900 and the team’s combined average.
- 5-Person Team Event – 95% of the difference between 1125 and the team’s combined average.
- Doubles – 95% of the difference between 450 and the bowlers’ combined averages.
- Singles – 95% of the difference between 225 and the bowler’s average.
- All Events – 95% of the difference between 225 and the bowler’s average.
- Entries:
- Multiple participation is allowed in accordance with USBC Rule 315.
Rule 315 states:
Unless the tournament rules state otherwise:
- Participation in each event shall be limited to one time.
- In order to place more than once in the prize list for positions standings:
- Five- and four-player team event. At least two players in the lineup must be different.
- Three-player teams and doubles. At least one player in the lineup must be different.
- In a singles event, the same individual may not place more than once in the prize list.
- The bowler’s first appearance in each event counts toward the all-events total.
- In the singles events multiple participation is allowed however a bowler can place only once in the prize fund.
- In the doubles event multiple participation is allowed with different partners.
- In the 4-Person Team and 5-Person Team events multiple participation is allowed if at least two players are different.
- Entry Fees are not refundable.
- Lane Assignments: All lane assignments will be made in advance by tournament director or shift manager.
- Events:
- 5-Person Team
- Teams shall be comprised of five bowlers.
- Teams must change at least two members to participate more than once in this event.
- A team’s combined average may not exceed 1125 unless the team is a team regularly bowling in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association in the 2023–2024 or 2024–2025 bowling season.
- 4-Person Team
- Teams shall be comprised of four bowlers.
- Teams must change at least two members to participate more than once in this event.
- A team’s combined average may not exceed 900 unless the team is a team regularly bowling in a league sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association in the 2023–2024 or 2024–2025 bowling season.
- Singles: The singles event will be divided into an Open Division
- Open Division
- The Open Division is open to all bowlers.
- The Open Division will have two divisions, an A Handicap Division (for averages of 180 and above) and a B Handicap Division (for averages of 179 and less).
- A bowler will be entered in the obvious division unless a change is requested by the bowler when signing in. The change must be approved by the shift manager.
- A bowler can move from the B Handicap Division to the A Handicap Division, but a bowler cannot move from the A Handicap Division to the B Handicap Division.
- A bowler may enter this event as many times as desired.
- A bowler who participates in this event more than once must bowl in same division each time the event is bowled. This division will be determined the first time the singles event is bowled.
- A bowler cannot place in the money in this event more than once (greatest prize will be paid).
- For handicap see rule 4D.
- Doubles: The Doubles event will be divided into an Open Division
- Open Division
- Open Division is open to all bowlers.
- The Open Division will have two handicap divisions, an A Handicap Division (for combined averages of 360 and above) and a B Handicap Division (for combined averages of 359 and less).
- A doubles team will be entered in the obvious division unless a change is requested by the bowlers when signing in. The change must be approved by the shift manager.
- Mixed doubles teams will be entered in the Open Division.
- A doubles team can move from the B Handicap Division to the A Handicap Division, but a doubles team cannot move from the A Handicap Division to the B Handicap Division.
- A bowler can only enter this event once with the same partner. However, a bowler may enter this event as many times as desired with different partners. Note the bowler’s division may change based on the new partnership.
- For handicap see rule 4C.
- The entry fee for this event is $5.00.
- A bowler’s score for All Events will be the total of the bowler’s scores in the team event (4 or 5-Person Team), in the doubles event and in the singles event the first time each event is bowled. Note the bowler must bowl the doubles and singles at the same time the first time either event is bowled for the bowler’s scores to qualify for All Events. If the Doubles and Singles Events are not bowled at the same time the bowler will be disqualified from the event with the bowler’s entry fee being forfeit.
- A bowler can only enter All Events once and the event must be entered prior to the first time the bowler bowls the team event (4 or 5-person) is bowled.
- All Events Open Division.
- Open Division
- All Events open division is open to all bowlers.
- All Event open division will have two handicap divisions: An A Handicap Division (for averages of 180 and higher) and B Handicap Division (for averages of 179 and less).
- A bowler will be entered in the obvious division unless a change is requested by the bowler when signing in. The change must be approved by the shift manager.
- A bowler can move from the B Handicap Division to the A Handicap Division, but a bowler cannot move from the A Handicap Division to the B Handicap Division.
- It is the bowler’s responsibility to bowl team, singles, and doubles events.
- For handicap see rule 4E.
- If all three events are not bowled the bowler’s entry fee will be forfeit.
- 3-6-9 Strike Pot – THIS EVENT IS OPTIONAL
- The entry fee is $1.00.
- A bowler may enter this strike pot each time the bowler bowls an event (the team event, the singles event, and the doubles event).
- If the bowler strikes in the 3rd, 6th, and 9th frame of any game in an event the bowler will be awarded a cash prize of $5.00.
- A bowler may win the prize only once per event.
- If the bowler’s average is 154 or less a fill will be considered a strike.
- Multiple Participation:
- Team Events – A team that has previously bowled the 4-Person Team or 5-Person Team Event may enter the 4-Person or 5-Person Team Event again if at least two bowlers are different. If a 5-person team that has previously bowled in the 5-Person Team Event drops one bowler and has one different bowler, the team may enter the 4-Person Team Event. If a 4-person team adds a bowler and has one different bowler, the team may enter the 5-Person Team Event.
- Doubles Event – A bowler can only bowl the Doubles Event once with the same partner. However, a bowler may bowl the doubles event as many times as desired with different partners.
- Singles Event – A bowler may enter this event as many times as the bowler desires but can place only once in the money (greatest prize will be paid).
- Singles & Doubles – Shift are set-up assuming bowlers will bowl both the Doubles and Singles and the association recommends that bowlers bowl both the Doubles and Singles in the same shift. However, a bowler is not required to bowl both Doubles and Singles in the same shift. It should be noted that Doubles are bowled first and bowlers who bowl the Doubles Event have priority for entering the Singles Event in that shift. If a bowler is entered in all-events the bowler must bowl the singles and doubles the first time the events are bowled for the scores to be allowed in All-Events.
- Music: Will be allowed during the tournament. The shift manager will determine the volume with the house.
- Nobody but the bowlers who are bowling that shift are allowed in settee area.
- Prize MONEY
After the lineage fee is paid 100% of entry fee will be paid out in prizes. All miscellaneous costs are paid by the association.
Prize money payouts shall be based on 1 out of every 5 entries. A bowler can only place in money once in the Singles Event.
Prize money payouts shall be based on 1 out of every 5 entries. A bowler may place in money more than once with different partners.
Prize money payouts shall be based on 1 out of every 5 entries. A bowler may place in the money more than once with different teams.
The prize money for this event will be 100% of the entry fee. Prize money payouts shall be based on 1 out of every 5 entries. A bowler can only place in money once.
Prize money payouts shall be based on the number of bowlers receiving the cash award. If the entry fee is not sufficient to make all the cash awards the association tournament account will supplement 3-6-9 prize fund so all cash awards maybe paid.
There are no entry fees associated with the special prizes and the prizes are not paid out of the prize fee portion of entry fee but are paid by the association’s tournament account and funds raised by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association.
- Power Frame:
- Five Person Team: If all five bowlers strike in the 7th frame of the second game of this event, each bowler on the team will be awarded five dollars in cash.
- Four Person Team: If all four bowlers strike in the 7th frame of the second game of this event, each bowler on the team will be awarded five dollars in cash.
- Doubles: If both bowlers strike in the 7th frame of the second game of this event each bowler will be awarded five dollars in cash.
- If a bowler’s average is 154 or less a mark will count as a strike.
- Strike Frames for Singles and Doubles
- If a bowler strikes in the 2nd or 8th frame of any game the bowler will be awarded one dollar in cash.
- If a bowler strikes in the 5th frame of any game the bowler will be awarded two dollars in cash.
- If a bowler’s average is less than 154 a fill will count as strike.