Hall of Fame

2025 Hall of Fame Annual Meeting

Must be Hall Of Fame Member or Association President and Manager To Attend.
Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 1:00 pm - Jack's House

Lloyd W. Johnson - Deceased
Curly Olson

Dennis Flanagan
Earl Svendsen
William (Bill) Svendsen deceased

No inductees

William (Bill) Chadwick Deceased
Darrel Johnson

Roger Anderson (Andy) Deceased
James Rausch

No inductees

LeRoy Dahl
Lloyd M Johnson Deceased
Norm Ramsdell Deceased

Gregory Anderson
Dick Imgrund Deceased
Randy Lindborg

Ron Berg
John Buscher
Ron Hobson Deceased
Roy Warnberg Deceased

Sandee Brooks
Raymond Puetz
ReLoy Smith Deceased
Andy Thomas Deceased

No inductees

No inductees

No inductees

No inductees

Irma Anderson

Collette Wagner

Sonny Klabo
Margie Ramsdell

Todd Olson Sr

Ann C. Anderson
James Trott Deceased

David E Nelson
Donald W Walsh Deceased

No inductees

Faye Nelson
Mike McFarland

Dale Wing
Mike Almer

Laurie Ramsdell
Kevin Pederson
Lyle Niemeyer
© Copyright 2025 - Lakes Area Bowling Association - All Rights Reserved.
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The name of the honor society shall be the “LAKES AREA USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION HALL OF FAME”.  Members of the Lakes Area Hall of Fame shall be past or current members of Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association. Have been inducted into the Hall of Fame in accordance with the Hall of Fame Bylaws.  The Hall of Fame Bylaws shall be developed and maintained by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association and members of the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association Hall of Fame.  Members of the Brainerd/Baxter Hall of Fame shall automatically be inducted into the Lakes Area USBC-BA Hall of Fame.  



The objective of the “LAKES AREA USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION HALL OF FAME” is to honor current and past members of Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association. Past and present members of the above association for no less than a total of fifteen (15) years.  The fifteen year membership requirement may be waved in the case of a career shortened due to life events.  The categories for selection for induction into the Hall of Fame are as follows:


  1. SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE: Outstanding accomplishments in leagues and tournaments sanctioned by the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association.
  1. MERITORIOUS SERVICES: Exceptional service as an Officer of the above association, as a member of the Board of Directors of the above association, or as officer in any league sanctioned through any of the above association, for outstanding service to leagues sanctioned through of the above association, sponsorship of bowling teams sanctioned through the above association over a long period of time, and/or a bowling personality whose character, accomplishments, or bowling activities deem them worthy of consideration.
  1. PIONEER: The Pioneer category shall honor those members, living or deceased, who were active in bowling activities in the above association prior to twenty-five (25) years ago, who are judged to have distinguished service and/or outstanding bowling accomplishments.



The Committee will be comprised of:

  1. The association president who shall serve as chairperson.
  2. The association manager who shall serve as secretary/treasurer.
  3. The association Vice-president
  4. Members of the Hall of Fame
  5. All members shall be voting members.



The Hall of Fame Committee shall hold a closed committee meeting in March each year. The meeting date and place shall be set by the association manager.



  1. Any member of the Lakes Area USBC-Bowling Association may make nominations to the Hall of Fame using the appropriate “Nomination Form”. The association manager shall make this form available at the bowling establishment.  A member placing a candidate in nomination to the Hall of Fame must furnish pertinent information as to the qualifications of their candidate by filling out the Nomination Form to the best of their ability.  If sufficient information is not provided the Nomination Form will be returned to the submitter.  The submitter must sign the Nomination Form certifying all information contained in the Nomination Form to be correct and accurate. The deadline for submittal of nominations shall be February 15. 
  1. A candidate submitted for nomination to the Hall of Fame, but not elected, shall be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame in future years (up to three years), if the Hall of Fame committee and the board of directors both agree the candidate meets the requirements as set forth by the board of directors and as contained in the Hall of Fame Bylaws.



  2. Prior March 15 each year the chairperson shall:
  3. Gather all Nominations Forms received in the current year (by deadline date) and the Nomination Forms for candidates deemed qualified from the previous three years to members of the Hall of Fame committee.
  4. Set a committee meeting date and place, and notify all members of the Hall of Fame committee of the meeting. The meeting shall be held in March.
  5. In the March Hall of Fame Committee meeting:
  6. The committee shall review candidate Nomination Forms received from the chairperson for the current year to determine if any of nominated candidates meet the requirements as set forth by the board of directors and as contained in the Hall of Fame Bylaws for induction into the Hall of Fame. All Nomination Forms for candidates that do not qualify or are not eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame shall be returned to the board of director with an explanation why the form is being returned.
  7. Review candidate Nomination Forms received for candidates in the previous three years that were not inducted into the Hall of Fame but were considered qualified and eligible for induction into the Fall of Fame to verify the candidates are indeed qualified and eligible.
  8. Qualified Candidates:
  • The committee shall prepare a list of candidates the committee considers qualified and eligible for induction into Hall of Fame from the qualified Nomination Forms received in the current year and the previous three years.
  • From the list of qualified and eligible candidates the committee shall prepare a ballot with the candidates divided by categories (superior performance, meritorious services, or pioneer).
  1. The prepared ballot and the Nomination Forms of all qualified and eligible candidates shall be forwarded to the association’s board of directors prior to its March meeting.
  2. The committee may prepare amendments to these bylaws and submit the proposed amendment to the association’s board of directors for consideration and possible approval.
  3. Prepare written minutes of the meeting and submit them to the board of directors prior to the association’s March board meeting.




  1. Date mark all candidate Nomination Forms received with date the form was received.
  2. Return all Nomination Forms received after submission deadline date to submitter with written notification that form is being returned because it was received after the deadline date.
  3. Prior to February 15, each year, submit all Nomination Forms received in the current year by deadline date and all qualified candidate Nomination Forms from the previous three years to the Hall of Fame chairperson.
  4. The board of directors shall review and act on all the information received from Hall of Fame Committee in the March board meeting.
  5. If the board of directors agrees with all actions taken by the Hall of Fame committee with respect to nominees and that the candidates contained on the Hall of Fame ballot are qualified and eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame; the board of directors shall take a vote on the candidates using the ballot submitted by the Hall of Fame committee and the following criteria:
  6. All ballots shall be secret
  7. Each association officer and board members shall vote for 3 candidates, one from each category ( Meritorious, Superior and Pioneer). If no one is elected in a certain category, then only two shall be inducted.
  8. Prepare a list of all candidates considered qualified and eligible for consideration of induction into the Hall of Fame but not elected for induction. The list shall be dated and maintained in the files of the association manager for three years.
  9. The association manager shall prepare and maintain a file of all information received from the Hall of Fame committee.
  10. The association president will notify candidates elected into the Hall of Fame that they were elected and will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at the next Association Annual Banquet.



  1. Elected Candidates will be inducted into the “HALL OF FAME” at the Lakes Area USBC Annual Banquet, and will be presented with an award to commemorate the occasion.
  2. The Association shall furnish all awards and maintain a “LAKES AREA USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION HALL OF FAME” plaque containing the names of members, and year of induction.



The Hall of Fame Committee may recommend to the board of directors changes or amendments to the Hall of Fame Bylaws but only the board of directors can amend these Bylaws by majority vote of the directors.