Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association Bylaws

Article I

Name: The name of the organization is the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association, chartered by the United States Bowling Congress.


Article II

Nonprofit Corporation and Charter

Section A.  Nonprofit Corporation

The association is organized as a nonprofit corporation and operates consistent with the requirements of an organization classified as tax exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

Section B.  Charter

The association shall be chartered by USBC and subject to its authority.  To maintain its charter, the association must:

  1. Provide services for men, women, and youth.
  2. Adopt bylaws approved by USBC.
  3. Not enact any bylaws or rules inconsistent with USBC’s Bylaws
  4. Adhere to stated requirements as set forth in the USBC Bylaws and USBC Association Policy Manual.
  5. Not use any part of the net earnings of the organization for the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof.
  6. Not have a substantial part of the activities of the organization for carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
  7. Not carry on any other purposes not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt of any future federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


Section C.  Charter Dissolution

Upon termination of this charter, the association shall transfer all of its assets remaining after payment of its lawful obligations to the USBC association that is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization(s) serving the bowling center(s) previously under their jurisdiction. 

If, at the time of termination, the association does not have an active USBC certified center, the assets will be divided equally among the current association members or be transferred to the state association if this division fails to take place within 30 days.  The receiving association must be exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

If the organization fails to transfer its assets within 30 days, USBC shall be entitled to take whatever action it deems appropriate to ensure such transfer.

These requirements are applicable to all associations whose charter has been revoked as well as all current and future associations.


Article III


The purpose of the association shall be to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including fostering local, national or international amateur sports competition within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC or corresponding sections of any future federal tax code and to:

  1. Providing equal opportunity for all in the sport of bowling without regard to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.
  2. Promoting the game of American Tenpins.
  3. Conducting and supporting bowling competition.
  4. Engaging in any other activities permitted by an organization classified as tax exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the IRC.


Article IV

Membership and Dues

Adults who have obtained USBC and local association membership, in accordance with USBC and local bylaws, become members of this association through the payment of applicable annual state dues, if any. Membership is in effect from August 1 through July 31. The board and delegates, by a two-thirds votes, determine and adopt adults dues, if any.

The annual state adult dues are $3.00 (Cannot exceed $5.00)

The annual youth standard membership dues are $4.00, state/local association dues are not allowed.

Each individual shall pay annual USBC membership dues, local dues (adult) or local processing fee (youth) and state association dues, except as provided in Rule 100e, Traveling League and 100l, Mail-o-Graphic League.

The adult members, and all officers and directors in attendance at the annual association meeting, by two-thirds vote, determine and adopt local adult dues, if any.

Annual adult standard membership dues are as follows:

Local                                                                                      $  9.00  (Cannot exceed $10.00)

State                                                                                      $  3.00  

USBC adult Standard membership                            $ 15.00

Total                                                                               $ 27.00


The annual youth standard membership dues are as follows:

Local processing fee                                                       $  0.00

State                                                                                     $  0.00

USBC youth standard membership                           $  4.00

Total                                                                                      $  4.00


The Board may waive all or part of local adult dues/youth processing fee for:

  1. Members of other USBC associations having a reciprocal agreement with the association.
  2. Other groups, such as seniors, etc. as determined by the Board.

The association cannot charge additional non-dues assessments.

Membership is not transferable


Article V

Board of Directors – Management

Section A.  Board Composition, Authority and Duties

The management and governance of the association is vested in the Board of Directors that includes the Officer and Director positions.  The members and Youth Representatives determine the number of positions on the Board of Directors and their term.  The total number of Board members is 11, with 11 total number of directors.  At least 1 of the total number of the Board members (Youth Directors) will be elected by:

  1. Youth Representatives who consist of:
  2. Youth members, at least 14 years of age.
  3. One adult representative, who is a USBC member, from each certified youth league (A league is not eligible for a representative if it has not submitted a league application.)
  4. One center representative, who is a USBC member, from each center having at least one certified youth league.
  5. Youth Directors
  6. The number of Youth Directors is 1


The Board shall not engage in any acts constituting a conflict of interest.  The Board’s duties shall include but are not limited to:

  1. Enforcing the bylaws.
  2. Complying with the USBC Association Policy Manual.
  3. Conducting championship level competition for its membership constituency (men, women and youth) and complying with state and local laws in their area.
  4. Implementing USBC programs as requested.
  5. Selecting/appointing the Program Manager.
  6. Approving use of membership records.
  7. Re-rating the league average of an association member when there is evidence the bowler’s average does not represent the bowler’s true ability.
  8. Conducting suspension and reinstatement hearings if requested by USBC Headquarters.


Section B.  Eligibility

A candidate for the Board (elected or appointed) must be:

    1. A USBC member in good standing of the association at the time of election and throughout their term.
    2. USBC youth members bowling in USBC Leagues within the association’s jurisdiction.

Individuals eighteen (18) years old and over must be compliant with RVP requirements prior to working with youth or within 45 days of the start of their term, whichever occurs first and throughout their term.

  1. Elected or appointed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or age, other than the minimum age of 14, unless state laws mandate a specific age, and be reasonably representative of the membership.
  1. Any member of the Board authorized to sign contracts or acting as a signatory on association accounts must be a minimum age of 18.
  2. At least 1 of the Board must represent youth and be elected by:
  • Youth Representatives
  • Youth Directors
  1. A maximum of two bowling center proprietors may serve on the Board at one time.  A proprietor is an individual who is the owner, partner, corporate officer, or manager of a bowling center or group of bowling centers.  Excluded from the definition of proprietor is an individual who owns 25% or less of equity shares or who is inactive in the management of the bowling center and remains so during a term as an officer or director.
  2. Qualification of a candidate nominated from the floor must be submitted to the Nominating Committee 15 days prior to annual meeting.


Additional eligibility requirements, if any, are to be approved by the board and delegates.  Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page1 (3 &4)).

To be eligible for election to the position of Vice President or Sergeant-at Arms, a person must have served as a member of the board for a minimum of one year. To be eligible for election to the position of President, a person must have served as a member of the board for a minimum of two years.


Section C.  Election of Directors

Directors are elected by plurality vote by the members and Youth Representative.  They are elected by plurality vote from:

  1. A slate provided by the Nominating Committee.
  2. Nominations from the floor. Qualification must be submitted to the Nominating Committee.

Qualification must be submitted in a format specified by the Board.


Section D.  Term

The term for adult directors is two years and the term for youth directors is one year with no limit on the number of terms.  The members and Youth Representatives determine the number of years in a term and the number of terms allowed.  For two and three terms the members and Youth Representatives establish a stagger system.

In even numbered years five adult directors will be elected to two years terms, two youth directors will be elected to one year terms and the Board of Directors will elect a President to a two year term. 

In odd numbered years four adult directors will be elected to two years terms, two youth directors will be elected to one year terms and the Board of Directors will elect a Vice-President and a sergeant-at-arms to a two year term.

In the first year (2014) the odd numbered year terms will be filled for one year. 


Section E.  Resignation, Removal, and Vacancies

  1. A Board member may resign from the Board of Directors by providing written notice of the resignation to the president or, in the case of the president, to the Board.
  2. Removal for Ineligibility. A Board member who is no longer eligible to serve on the Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board when a quorum is present.
  3. Removal for Cause. When a Board member is accused, in writing, of failure to properly perform the duties of their office or otherwise engaging in improper or unfair activities or conduct, the Board may conduct a meeting following the Removal Procedures in the Suspension and Reinstatement Chapter.  An appeal may be filed with USBC Headquarters within 15 days of the removal.  Two-thirds written consent of the full Board is required to seek re-election and/or reappointment of the Board.
  4. Removal for RVP Non-Compliance. When a board member is determined to be not in compliance with the USBC’s RVP policies, the member will be immediately declared ineligible and removed from the board with the position being declared vacant. No board action is required to remove the member from the board. The member will become eligible for re-election and/or re-appointment to the board upon notification from USBC of change in their status.
  5. The Board fills vacancies in the president’s position. All other vacancies are filled by the president, subject to approval by the board.


Note: Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page1 (5)).


Article VI



Section A. President, Vice-President and Sergeant-at-arms

The officers of this association shall include a president, vice-president and sergeant-at-arms.


Section B.  Election

The members and Youth Representatives determined the election process.  Officers are elected by the majority vote of the Board of Directors from among the current directors unless state laws mandate otherwise.  Qualifications must be submitted in a format specified by the Board. Voting will be ballot if there is more than one nominee for each position.


Section C.  Terms

The term for elected officers is two years.  The members and Youth Representatives determine the number of years in a term and the number of terms allowed.


Section D.  Authority and Duties

  1. President
  2. Presides at all meetings
  3. Acts as spokesperson for the association
  4. Serves as the liaison to the Minnesota state association
  5. Appoints committees, with Board approval. Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page2 (8) and page 6-7 (17-20)).


  1. Vice-president
  2. Presides at all meetings when the president is absent
  3. Performs other duties as prescribed by the Board or requested by the president
  4. Sergeant-at-Arms
  5. Responsible for keeping meetings moving orderly, smoothly, on task and on schedule.
  6. Calls for closure of discussions when topics have exhausted.
  7. Responsible for distributing, collecting and counting ballots
  8. Association Manager
  1. Selected/appoint by and accountable to the Board annually.
  2. Acts as the ex officio non-voting secretary/treasurer of the Board or such other officer as designation as required by law and determined by the Board.
  3. Responsible for other duties as prescribed by the Board and in the USBC Association Policy Manual.


Article VII



Section A.  Annual Meeting

An Annual Meeting of association members / Youth Representatives shall be held at a time and place approved by the Board of Directors

  1. Attendance

Attendance is open to all members and Youth Representatives.

  1. Voice and Vote

Voice: Adult members and Youth members bowling in USBC Leagues within the association’s jurisdiction may attend with voice only.

Vote: Board member voting Does Not include Hall of Fame members.  Absentee and proxy voting are not permitted.

  1. Responsibilities
  2. The board members shall:
  • Adopt bylaws, with the exception of the youth dues.
  • Adopt local adult dues, up to the established maximum.
  • Elect up to 80% of the total number of members of the Board.
  • Elect delegates and alternates representing adult membership for the state annual meeting(s) if so desired.
  1. Meeting Notice

Written notice of the meeting shall be forwarded to the Board at least 15 days prior to the meeting.



  1. Special Meetings

Special membership meeting may be called by the president or upon written request of at least three Board members or at least twenty-five members of the association.

  1. Quorum
  2. 10% of the membership constitutes a quorum. The board members and Youth Representatives determine the number.
  3. Action

A majority vote of the officers, board members / Youth Representatives present and voting, at a properly noticed meeting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these bylaws.  Election of officers and board members requires a majority vote.


Note: Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page2 (10)).



Section B.  Board Meeting

The Board shall meet, at a minimum, as often as required by state law.  Special meetings may be held upon the request of any Board member if a majority of the Board approves.


Written notice for all regular and special meetings shall be forwarded to the Board, which should be at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

  1. Quorum

More than 50% of the current board members will constitute a quorum.  Vacant position will not be counted in determining the number board members required for a quorum.

  1. Action

A majority vote of those officers and directors present and voting, at a properly noticed meeting, when a quorum has been established, is required to take action, unless otherwise provided by law or these bylaws.  Absentee and proxy voting are not permitted.

  1. Action(s) Without a Meeting

Actions that are deemed necessary to conduct business/operations of the association may be taken outside of a Board meeting by use of mail, e-mail, or teleconferencing.  This type of action must be permissible by state law and approved by the membership/Youth Representatives and the Board.

The procedures found in the USBC Association Policy Manual, Chapter Ten, Section E must be followed.

The association may vote via mail, e-mail, or teleconferences.


Section C. Parliamentary Procedure

The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, governs all meetings.


Article VIII



Section A.  Standing Committees

The association shall have the following Standing Committees: Finance and Youth.

  1. Finance Committee. The committee is responsible for reviewing and monitoring association financial matters.
  2. Youth Committee. The committee is responsible for monitoring, promoting, reviewing and recommending youth programs conducted by the association.


Section B. Other Committees

The president may establish other committees, with Board approval. Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page2 (8)).



Article IX

Delegates and Alternates to USBC Annual Meeting


Section A.  USBC Annual Meeting

Delegates and alternates are elected by plurality vote of those adult members. Youth Representative, officers and directors, present and voting.

Note: The definition of a delegate is an individual, 18 years of age or older, who holds USBC membership. Additional requirements are given in the Lakes Area USBC Policy Manual (page2 (10)).



Section B.  State Annual Meeting

  1. 2 Delegates and 2 alternates representing adults are elected by plurality vote of those adult members present and voting.


Section C. Eligibility

  1. USBC Annual Meeting. Delegates and Alternates must be:
  1. Elected by the Board.
  2. At least 18 years of age.
  3. A USBC member in good standing of the association at the time of election and throughout their term.
  1. State Annual Meeting(s). Nominees must be:
  1. Elected by adult members of Youth Representatives.
  2. At least 14 years of age.
  3. A USBC member in good standing of the association at the time of election and throughout their term.


If a member is elected to represent more than one association to attend the same meeting, the first election shall stand and any succeeding election shall be declared null and void.


A local association is not eligible to send delegates/Youth Delegates if it is declared delinquent or USBC has revoked its charter.


Note:  An association that has not processed dues for the current season shall be considered delinquent.


Section D.  Election

Delegates, Youth Delegates and alternates serve for one year, beginning August 1, and are elected by:

  1. A slate submitted provided by the Nominating Committee.
  2. Nominations from the floor. Qualifications must be submitted to the Nomination Committee.
  3. Plurality vote. The election shall be by ballot, except that a voice vote may be taken when the number of candidates does not exceed the number of positions to be filled.
  4. Alternates shall serve in order of their election.


The election is to be held in compliance with the USBC or State Annual Meeting requirements.


Section E. Vacancies

Vacancies are filled for the unexpired portion of each term by the alternates in the order in which they were elected.  If a vacancy still exists, the president fills the vacant position by appointment.


Note:  The appointee must also meet the same eligibility requirements as elected positions. 


Article X



Section A.  Procedure

Any member of the association may submit proposed amendments to these bylaws.  The local association bylaws may be amended at any membership meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members/Youth Representatives present and voting.  The amendment must be:

  1. Submitted in writing to the association manager or president.
  2. Submitted at least 15 days prior to the membership meeting when the association is considering the proposal.


Section B. Change in Adult Dues

Forward a notice to each league secretary and the Board at least 15 days prior to the meeting at which the proposed change is considered.  The notice must:

  1. Be in writing
  2. Specify the amount of the change.
  3. Specify the reason for the change.


Notification of an adopted change in adult dues, and the reason for the change, will be forwarded, in writing to each league secretary.


Section C.  Effective Date

All amendments are effective August 1, following adoption, unless otherwise specified when adopted.


Article XI

Fiscal Year


The fiscal year of this association is August 1 through July 31.

Article XII



Directors, officers, and other authorized volunteers, employees or agents shall be indemnified against claims for personal and individual liability arising in connection with their positions or service on behalf of the association to the full extent permitted by law.


POLICY MANUAL                                    


To serve and unite in a central organization all Lakes Area Bowling Association (LABA) members of qualified bowling teams, leagues and unattached individuals bowling in certified bowling establishments located in the cities Brainerd and Baxter.



This association will operate under the policies and procedures set forth by USBC and by the LABA bylaws. These operating policies are in additions to those set forth by USBC and the LABA bylaws.  If an operating policy contradicts a USBC policy or procedure the USBC policy/procedure shall prevail.


  2. To qualify to be elected as President, the individual must have served at least two years on the current or former Association Board of Directors.
  3. To qualify to be elected Vice President or Sergeant-at-arms, the individual must have served at least one year on the current or former Association Board of Directors.
  4. The individual must be a USBC member in good standing in the association at the time of election and throughout the individual’s term.
  5. Association officers cannot be members of the same household


  1. To qualify to be elected as a board member an individual must be a previous or current league officer, a past board director of a USBC association or a previous or current officer in a recognized nonprofit association.
  2. To qualify to be elected as a board member an individual must have been a member of the LABA for at least two years.
  3. Board members must be RVP certified or becomes RVP certified through USBC.  Any cost that maybe incurred during the certification process will be paid by or reimbursed by the association


  2. If the position of President becomes vacant during its term, the Vice President shall become President and complete the term of office.
  3. If the position of Vice President or Sergeant-at-arms becomes vacant during its term, the Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall appoint a current member of the Board of Directors to serve in the vacant position until a new officer is elected at the next annual meeting.
  4. If a position of Director becomes vacant during, the President shall appoint a new Direct from the membership at-large with the approval of the Board of Directors to complete the term of the vacant Director or until a new director can be elected.
  5. If a position of an adult Director becomes vacant the position may be left vacant until a new director can be elected.
  6. If a position of a Youth Director becomes vacant the position must be filled.



If any member of the Board of Directors misses three of the scheduled regular board meetings without just cause the member will be removed from the office.  For the absence to be justified the member must notify the sergeant-at-arms prior to the meeting stating the reason for being absent.  The Board of Directors at the missed meeting will by secret ballot determine if the reason for being absent is just.  Note a board member removed from office in this manner can be reinstated in accordance with “Vacancy During Term”.



  2. President, Vice President and Sergeant-at-arms will be elect by the Board of Director in its first meeting of season.
  3. Directors shall be elected at association’s annual meeting.
  4. Ballots at the annual meeting for Directors shall only contain candidates submitted by the nomination committee and approved by Board of Directors. Candidates nominated from the floor must submit qualification to the Board of Directors for approval a minimum of 15 days prior to the annual meeting.
  5. The President, Vice President, and Sergeant-at-arms shall be elected by majority vote of the board.
  6. Directors shall be elected by plurality vote at the annual meeting.


  1. The President shall appoint members to the following committees:

Audit                                                   Hall of Fame

Banquet                                               Nominating

Bylaws and Policy Manual                    Tournament

Communications                                  Fund Raising / Door Prizes                        Others as needed

  1. Committees shall select their chair and co-chair with the chair and co-chair being submit to the Board of Directors for approval.
  2. Committees shall be allowed to add non-board members to their committee with the approval of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors approving the non-member.
  3. Board members shall serve on a minimum of two committees.


Note: Additional information is found on (page 4-6 (16.))



The Association shall maintain an alphabetical listing of the final averages of all LABA sanctioned bowlers bowling in leagues that are sanctioned through this association.  The Program Manager shall update Win LABS, provide a copy of this listing to each bowling establishment and to the Association file by May 1 of each year for that season.


NOTE:  The average alphabetical list shall be maintained for at least three bowling seasons (August 1 through July 31) and must provide as a minimum the name of each bowler who has bowled in one or more leagues sanctioned through this association, the name of all leagues participated in, the number of games bowled in each league and the average in each league.


  2. Delegates to state and national USBC annual conventions shall be elected by the board no later than March.
  3. The association will hold an Annual Association Banquet at a time, date, and place to be determined by the Board of Directors.
  4. The annual association meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual Banquet,
  5. All association leagues shall be advised to hold their own annual meeting because no time will be a lot during the association banquet for individual league. The only time individual league materials may be passed out at the association banquet will be before and after the association banquet /meeting.



The Salary and Expenses of officers and directors shall be:

  1. Salary of the Program Manager will be set by the Board of Directors.
  2. All other positions will be unpaid monetary.
  3. Delegates to the state and national USBC Convention shall be allowed expenses as set by the Board of Directors.


  2. The Association shall collect only local association fees from members who have paid national and state fees through a different association.
  3. The association shall operate as a self processing association and accept responsibility to provide membership services as necessary to meet all USBC and local association requirements. Services shall be provided in accordance with procedures established by USBC and the association.  Services shall include a minimum:
  • Processing individual USBC membership and league sanction applications.
  • Verify that membership cards have been distributed by USBC.
  • Maintaining an inventory of and distribute USBC awards.
  • Process application for honor scores and verify awards are received.
  • Provide services as necessary and needed by association leagues to meet national, state and local USBC requirements.


  2. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for conducting an adult and youth Association Tournaments.
  3. The Association shall conduct an annual adult championship tournaments (All City Roll-off) at a time, date, and place to be determined by the Board of Directors.



Amendments to the operating policy shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.



The LABA board shall maintain an account in a bank or credit union that is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

  1. The account must be in the name of the LABA, not an officer’s name.
  2. Two officers must sign for any withdrawals.
  3. Signers on the account cannot be immediate family members.
  4. The following transactions will be included of the associations financial report:
  • Operations
  1. Shall be a checking account.
  2. Shall collect sanction fees.
  3. Shall maintain an automatic withdraw shall be set-up for transfer of national and state sanction fees to USBC.
  4. Shall provide for general operating cost, program manager’s salary, insurances as needed, and transfers into other accounts as deemed necessary and approved by the board.


  • Tournament
  1. Shall collect entry fees, raffles and other fund raisers that may be conducted. Note all costs associated with fund raisers shall be documented separately on financial report.
  2. Shall provide for the tournament prize fund and miscellaneous tournament costs such as score keeping and additional strike/mark prizes.




  • Youth Association
  1. Shall include fund raisers that may be conducted.
  2. Shall provide for the cost of a youth tournament including prizes and miscellaneous expense and scholarships as approved by the board.

Note: Scholarships will require 2 RVP members to enter on SMART account.

  • Equipment
  1. Shall be funded by lane certification fees, rental fees for the lane certification equipment.
  2. Provides for the purchase of all major equipment such as gutter gauge, end pit gauge, computers, printers, cameras, etc.




  1. Audit Committee
  • Audit Association account on a monthly basis along and the annual report prepared by the program manager.
  • Review check book balances, receipts and check registers to make sure amounts taken in and paid out are correct.
  • Review financial statements to make sure they are complete and easy to understand.
  1. Tournament
  2. Fund Raising
  3. Sanctions fees
  4. Other Special accounts
  • The chair / committee shall select one non board member to serve on the committee. The non-board members shall be subject to the approval of the board.
  • The chair and non-board member of this committee shall provide the Association president and the program manager with a signed statement verify that they have completed their monthly audits and reviews. Any errors, discrepancies, or concerns with the monthly statements should be listed in this statement. 


  1. By Laws & Operating Policy Committee
  • Reviews Association By-Laws and Operating Policies on an annual basis and submit recommendations for changes if any to the board in writing.
  • Review recommendations if any submitted by association members.
  • The chair of this committee shall present each recommendation for change to the By Laws to the membership of association at the annual meeting for approval.


  1. Nominating Committee
  • Prepares the application form for positions on Board of Directors. The form shall contain as a minimum the following requirements:
  1. Minimum requirements for positions as set forth in the Bylaws:
  2. Must be a member of association in good stating.
  3. Must be a minimum age of 14 unless state laws mandate a specific age.
  4. Must reasonably represent the membership.
  5. Reasons why the individual is interested in serving on board.
  6. Length of time the individual has been a bowler.
  7. How long the individual has bowled in our association.
  • Annually announce vacancies on board to the membership and how to apply for the vacancies.
  • Submit all applications to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • Establishes additional eligibility criteria subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Establishes election policies and procedures such as ballots format, distribution of ballets, counting of ballots, etc. subject to the Board of Directors approval.
  • Candidates for the Board of Directors may be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting providing the candidates qualifications are submitted to the Nomination Committee and the Board of Directors 15 days prior to the annual meeting.


  1. Banquet Committee
  • Prepare a bid form for the annual banquet and submit the bid form to the board for approval.
  • Secure sealed bids for Annual Association Banquet.
  • Secure reservations for Annual Association Meeting and Annual Association Banquet.
  • Schedule personnel to setup and handle Annual Association Meeting and Annual Association Banquet.
  • Schedule association board members and non-board members to work at the banquet.
  1. To sell meal tickets
  2. To distribute door prizes
  3. To setup for banquet and annual meeting or ensure banquet and annual meeting setup is complete
  4. To pick up all association material used at the banquet and annual meeting
  • Schedule Banquet speakers - Master of Ceremonies and other speakers as desired.
  • Prepare announcements and media notification with the assistance of the Public Relations Committee.
  • Coordinate activities at annual meeting, annual banquet and other special meetings.


  1. Fund Raising Committee
  • Solicit bids for items (prizes) used for fund raising.
  • Ensure sufficient items are available for fund raising activities with the assistance of the program manager.
  • Maintain accurate records of receipts and expenditures with the assistance of the program manager.
  • Schedule sufficient association personnel to handle fund raisers.
  • Make recommendations to board on suggested fund raising activities.
  • Secure any permits and approvals needed for fund raiser with the assistance of the program manager.


  1. Tournament Committee (Program manager is to assist as needed or requested)
  • Work with proprietors on site location and requirements.
  • Secure bid for linage rates from the proprietors.
  • Prepare and submit suggested tournament rules to the board.
  1. Entry fee e)  Prize frames
  2. Entering averages f)  Payout Rates
  3. Number of divisions g)  Sponsors
  4. Generals rules
  • Provide media coverage with the assistance of the public relation committee:
  1. Advertise the tournament starting at least two months prior to tournament.
  2. Provide winners list for posting with the assistance of the program manager.
  3. Publish in the Brainerd Dispatch a thank you to all the donators of door prizes listing each contributor.
  • Secure door prizes from the fund raising committee and distribute door prizes at the singles and doubles events.
  • Ensure adequate score keepers are scheduled.
  • Schedule sufficient association personnel to work the tournament with at least one board member to function as shift manager at each event (shift).
  • Ensure a shift manager is assigned for each tournament event (shift). The shift manager shall have the following responsibilities:
  1. Handle all Announcements
  2. Responsible for bowlers score sheets.
  3. Responsible for receipts, cash payouts for strike frames and deposits.
  4. The shift manager shall resolve all conflicts, irregularities and discrepancies.
  5. Shift managers shall not bowl during their shift.
  • Provide record sheets so tournament activities can be audited.
  • Ensure that tournament standings are posted.
  • Ensure trophies and other awards are procured and distributed.




  1. Lane Certification Committee
  • Lane Certifications will NO longer be conducted by the Lakes Area Bowling Association. All future Lane Certifications will be completed by a certified USBC Team. USBC Team will ensure the bowling establishment maintains compliance to USBC rules for lane conditions, pin weight and pin setting. USBC will be responsible for the periodicity and scheduling.


  1. Hall of Fame Committee
  • Review and provided recommended changes to the Hall of Fame By-laws on an annual bases (By Laws established 2001).
  • Changes to the Hall of Fame By-laws must be approved by a majority vote of both the board of directors and the Hall of Fame Committee.
  • Membership of the Hall of Fame Committee shall consist of the association president, the association program manager and two (2) members from board of directors and all Hall of Fame members.
  • Inductee’s to Hall of Fame shall become honorary members of the Hall of Fame committee with full voting rights.
  • The Hall of Fame Committee shall receive all application to the Hall of Fame, review submitted applications to the Hall of Fame for completeness and accuracy and forward acceptable application to the board of directors for action.
  • Maintain Hall of Fame Plaque.


  1. Communications Committee
  • Advertise association events utilizing appropriate media outlets as directed by the board of directors and committees.
  • Responsible for ensuring all information is properly uploaded to the website
  • Maintain website database for all information, photos and statistical data.
  • Post notices for associations events at the bowling establishment as directed by the board of directors and committees.
  • Provide and distribute flyers for association events to all association leagues and members as directed by the board of directors and committees.
  • Take honor score pictures
  1. Obtain notification of honor score from the program manager and/or other sources
  2. Submit honor score photos and necessary information to the appropriate media outlet.
  • Take photos of league championship teams and tournament champions for submittal to the appropriate media outlet with all necessary information for publication.
  • Take and post board of director picture at the bowling establishment



  1. Presides at all meetings
  2. Acts as spokesperson for the association
  3. Appoint committees members, with board approval.
  4. Responsible for explaining the duties of committees to the committee chairperson.
  5. Responsible for ensuring the committees perform their duties in a timely manner.


  1. Presides at all meetings when the president is absent
  2. Performs other duties as directed by the board of directors or requested by the president
  3. Assume the duties of the president when and if necessary.



  1. Responsible for keeping meetings moving orderly, smoothly, on task and on schedule.
  2. Calls for closure of discussions when topics have been exhausted. 
  3. Responsible for distributing, collecting and counting ballots at board meetings and overseeing the counting of ballets at the association meetings.



The following are responsibilities of the program manager in addition to the responsibilities outlined by the USBC and other documents related to the Lakes Area USBC Bowling Association.

  1. Provide written minutes of board meeting to all board members, board officers and for posting in the bowling establishment at least one week prior to the monthly meetings.
  2. Provide a written monthly financial statement at least one week prior to the monthly meetings for all association accounts [Operating, Tournament, Youth. and Equipment] that includes the following:
    • Itemized listing of all deposits by account.
    • Itemized listing of all checks and expenditures by account.
    • Listing of all outstanding checks by account.
  3. Provide a written year end statement of sanction processed by league during the year including the amount of the sanction fee, total amounts paid by leagues and the total amount paid. USBC draws shall be included in the statement.
  4. Prepare and distribute all required 1099’s or W2’s.
  5. Prepare and submit any financial or other forms required by USBC.
  6. Prepare and submit any financial or other forms required by the State or Federal Government to comply with and maintain in good standing non-profit incorporated status.
  7. Process all league, tournament and individual Lakes Area USBC - BA sanctions.
  8. Process all USBC-BA awards.
  9. Prepare, post in the bowling establishment and submit to USBC the final averages for all Lakes Area USBC-BA sanctioned bowlers as submitted by league secretaries.
  10. Tournament responsibilities
    • Ensure that all forms needed for each shift are provided. (Shift Record, Scorekeeper Records, 3-6-9 record, etc.).
    • Provide a list of all locally sanctioned bowlers for the current bowling season.
    • Provide prior year’s final averages for association bowlers and current year’s averages for association bowler as of the Saturday prior to the start of the tournament.
    • Provide start up funding and sufficient prize money for cash prizes for all shifts and events.


  • Make sure all deposits are made the next banking day following the shift and no later than 3 days after shift.
  • Provide and post daily in the bowling establishment a current tournament standings sheet for each event.
  • Provide to the board of directors a suggested tournament payout by standing position.
  • Provide and post a final payout sheet that lists the amount paid to each position, the number of positions paid, and the winner for each position.
  • Prepare all checks for the tournament.
  • Provide a complete financial statement for the tournament itemizing:
  1. All receipts (entry fees) by shift and event
  2. All expenditures
  3. A list scorekeeper costs by shifts and events
  4. A lists of cash prizes (strike fames, power frames, 3-6-9, etc.) paid out by shift and event
  5. Provide a list of all checks issued including: check number, recipient for purchases, reason for issuing check and the amount of the check.


  • Provide to the audit committee copies of all the shift records, scorekeeper records, bowling records, all other record sheets used and deposit slips.
  1. Fund Raising Responsibilities
  • Make sure that gambling permits are secured, if applicable, and approvals are received from the appropriate City Councils or authority.
  • Provide a form to ensure that a record is maintained for all items sold.
  • Maintain an itemized record of all items purchased or donated.
  • Maintain an itemized list of door prizes with the assistance of the Fund Raising Committee.
  • Provide reconciliation for each fund raising activity including: items sold, costs, donations, receipts and profit or loss.
  1. Acts as non-voting executive officer (secretary/treasurer, other officers as required by law or as determined by the board of directors) for the board of directors.
  2. Responsible for other duties as prescribed by the board of directors and as required by the USBC Association Policy Manual.
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